A retiredprofessor at the Universityof SãoPaulo (USP) believes thatmanaged to developa substance that cancure cancer.GilbertoOrivaldoChiericecoordinatedfor more than 20yearsstudieswithsynthetic phosphoethanolaminethat mimicsa substancepresent in the bodyand signalsfor removingcancer cellsby the immunesystem."Thefosfoaminais there,availabletoanyone who wants tocurecancer," saidthe expert.
This teachercould staytrillion-dollarsellingcapsule thatis healingmany cases ofcancer inBrazil, but he wantsto beDONATEDnot soldandlaboratoriesaround the worldto producethe drug andis distributed freelyto savemillions oflives.congratulationsteacherGilbertoChierice(SanCarlosUSP). ISupport for research!We willvalidate thisinitiative#compartilhe
Greve na Petrobrás já parou 23 plataformas da Bacia de Campos
a Federação Única dos Petroleiros, outras plataformas funcionam
cerca de 500 mil barris de petróleo por dia deixaram de
ser produzidos .